A gay male sex worker and advocate for sex workers’ rights has won a discrimination case against two Australian financial service providers — an in doing so helped protect others in the industry from becoming victims of “debanking”. “Debanking” is when a bank or financial institution stops providing services likeContinue Reading

An Australia-first Bill that would have criminalised men who buy sex but decriminalise the women who sell it has been knocked back by a single vote after an emotional late-night debate in state parliament. South Australia’s upper house voted 10-9 to reject the “Nordic model” reform to its prostitution lawsContinue Reading

The Seven West board, led by Kerry Stokes, has probed shock claims of cocaine and sex workers plaguing investigative program Spotlight, with questions raised over the extent of knowledge in the finance department and among Seven executives. News.com.au understands that news and current affairs boss Craig McPherson told the executivesContinue Reading

Justice Michael Lee has found that the “inescapable conclusion” was that law student Bruce Lehrmann leaked confidential court documents obtained during his criminal trial, including Brittany Higgins’ private text messages, to Seven’s Spotlight program. The leaking of the private contents of Ms Higgins’ phone, which she has previously described asContinue Reading