Treasurer Jim Chalmers has ramped up his sell of Labor’s revamped tax cuts, releasing fresh analysis showing families are expected to pocket an average tax cut worth more than $3000 next financial year. The intervention comes as Opposition Leader Peter Dutton sharpened his attacks against Labor on Saturday, accusing theContinue Reading

Almost 14.4 million Australians are expected to be in work by mid-year, more than 105,000 than previously forecast, as the nation’s red-hot jobs market continues to defy a broader economic slowdown. But economists have warned that the firmer-than-expected jobs numbers means Treasurer Jim Chalmers should redouble his focus on reducingContinue Reading

A leading economist has branded Australian housing a “misery machine” while reiterating calls for cuts to immigration until construction can catch up with demand. Chris Richardson appeared on ABC’s QandA on Monday night where an audience member posed the question of whether migration levels should be linked to the capacityContinue Reading