A worsening housing crisis and skyrocketing rents has seen the number of people sleeping rough increase by 55 per cent since 2020 in NSW. The Community Housing Industry Association NSW revealed more households across the state had been hit by the housing crisis, forcing people to live on the streets.Continue Reading

The government has gone all-in on its strategy to solve the crippling housing crisis, upping its bet on a long-term fix over short-term relief. Tuesday’s budget includes $6.2 billion of additional spending for new measures to boost housing supply via social housing investment, infrastructure improvement, and student accommodation. It addsContinue Reading

Labor is “catastrophically failing” to meet the challenge of Australia’s worsening housing crisis, the Greens say, after a new government report revealed massive issues in the system. The National Housing Supply and Affordability Council has handed its inaugural State of the Housing System annual report to Housing Minister Julie CollinsContinue Reading

Working a full-time job and earning a decent income are no longer safeguards against experiencing severe forms of financial distress, including food insecurity and even poverty, experts warn. Australia’s worsening cost-of-living crisis and a severe housing shortage have pushed millions of households to the brink in recent years, with littleContinue Reading