The head of News Corp has urged federal parliamentarians to force social media giant Meta to renew funding news, saying the social media giant was “preparing to blackmail” Australia. Meta – the parent company of Facebook – announced in March it would not renew commercial deals with Australian media companiesContinue Reading

Enraged mental health advocates have taken aim at the NSW government for gutting a program helping some of the healthcare system’s most-vulnerable patients. A $111.8m pre-budget funding announcement on Tuesday contained a four-year funding commitment of $40m for the Pathways to Community Living Initiative (PCLI). But that was significantly lessContinue Reading

Australia’s domestic spy agency wants to give up its right to request warrants to question children as young as 14 after it reported only a handful of minors had been charged with terror offences since 9/11. ASIO told a parliamentary inquiry that the federal government should scrap laws that enableContinue Reading

Barnaby Joyce has warned demeaning, violent pornography is “rewiring boys’ brains” backing tougher age limits for teenagers to access social media and porn online. The former Nationals leader has backed a rethink of how old children and teenagers should be before they access harmful material, comparing the rise of uncontrolledContinue Reading