Eastern Australia faces the threat of gas shortages during the height of winter, thanks to increased demand and a shortfall in supply. Strained LNG production owing to unplanned production outages, reduced renewable generation and heightened demand during a winter cold snap risks creating a shortfall in gas supplies across Australia’sContinue Reading

South Australians born after 2009 could be banned from smoking and purchasing tobacco-related products under a bold law proposed by an independent politician. Modelled after similar laws in the UK, the proposed Bill would immediately raise the legal age for buying tobacco and smoking-related products, like nicotine pouches, from 18Continue Reading

Wealthy residents in some of Australia’s ritziest suburbs saw their already bloated incomes surge by a staggering $90,000 in just a single year, new data reveals. As the country began its recovery from the Covid pandemic, figures released yesterday show the most well-heeled enjoyed a very lucrative return to businessContinue Reading