Aussies are being urged to stop splashing cash on “Netflix, flat-whites, movies and eating out” to trigger a “DIY recession” that will save us from years of pain. The extraordinary call from Rand Low, an Associate Professor of Quantitative Finance at Bond University, comes amid resurgent inflation in Australia, warningsContinue Reading

The latest numbers from an economic measure known as the ‘crane index’ show positive momentum in the residential construction sector, which offers a glimmer of hope for Australians being hammered by the housing crisis. Right now, the number of cranes in the sky on building sites across the country hasContinue Reading

Rumours continue to swirl that Australia’s biggest plastics and chemical manufacturer could shut down, putting 700 manufacturing jobs, supply chains and the nation’s recycling capability at risk. Qenos operates out of Sydney and Melbourne and has been hit with multimillion-dollar losses and increased energy costs over the past couple ofContinue Reading

A top Australian engineer has warned the country’s power grid is unstable and incapable of coping with surging demand – and has proposed a controversial solution. Adi Paterson is the former chief of the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation and has written to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese demanding urgentContinue Reading