The 14-year-old boy who allegedly stabbed a student at the University of Sydney was accused of planning a mass shooting less than a year ago, it has emerged. The teenager had allegedly threatened to carry out a terrorist attack but the charges were dropped on mental health grounds, according toContinue Reading

The head of an influential schools union has taken aim at two high-profile Sydney private schools, accusing them of “disingenuous, bleating victimhood”. NSW Teachers Federation president Henry Rajendra will use his speech at Friday’s 2024 Principal’s Conference to lash the “entrenched” privilege of private schools, and make specific reference toContinue Reading

Star ABC investigative journalist Louise Milligan has revealed the staggering number of legal threats she has received ahead of a Four Corners program on a prestigious Sydney boys school. The public broadcaster’s flagship journalism program is hours away from airing an episode on Cranbrook School, an elite private school inContinue Reading

Paul Thijssen was a psychopath who “knew exactly what he was doing” when he took a hammer to a school and murdered Sydney water polo instructor Lilie James, a top criminal psychologist has claimed. A former student at St Andrew’s Cathedral school where the murder took place last week, Thijssen’sContinue Reading