Sunrise host Natalie Barr has confronted Barnaby Joyce over his decision to quit booze after he was found rolling around on the footpath after dark and speaking gibberish into his mobile phone. Mr Joyce was filmed by bystanders in February lying on the street during an upside-down phone call inContinue Reading

Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek has defended Peter Dutton’s son after a leaked social media photo pictured him holding a bag of “white powder”. The image, which was first reported by the Herald Sun, made newspaper front pages on Tuesday morning. Originally shared on Tom’s Snapchat and quickly deleted, the photoContinue Reading

A grieving father has revealed his teenage daughter’s disturbing search history before she took her own life, claiming social media preyed on his daughter’s vulnerability about her understanding of a healthy life. Fitness coach Robb Evans made the disturbing revelation on Nine’s 60 Minutes, telling the program his daughter LivContinue Reading

Barnaby Joyce has warned demeaning, violent pornography is “rewiring boys’ brains” backing tougher age limits for teenagers to access social media and porn online. The former Nationals leader has backed a rethink of how old children and teenagers should be before they access harmful material, comparing the rise of uncontrolledContinue Reading

A “smorgasbord of violent misogyny” being fed to young boys online is working against efforts to tackle violence against women, Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek says. Thousands of people marched over the weekend as part of “no more” rallies across the country which coincide with police charging a Perth man withContinue Reading