Australia’s income tax take is set to soar to a record high this financial year with taxpayers to be slugged even more in the future despite the Albanese government’s stage three tax cuts. Fresh budget forecasts released on Tuesday night show Australians will again be flattened by record income taxContinue Reading

Australians’ personal income tax burden, already among the highest in the world, grew faster than any other advanced economy last year, as bracket creep fuelled record Commonwealth tax collections. According to a fresh report published by the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) on Thursday evening, a single, averageContinue Reading

Australians who will miss out on generous tax cuts aren’t mostly wealthy company bosses or bankers, but ordinary hardworking tradies and small business owners, one economic commentator argues. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese today confirmed the government will water down Stage 3 tax cuts, taking money from those on higher incomesContinue Reading