Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has continued to defend Labor’s proposed stage three tax cuts, stating they will “overwhelmingly” benefit struggling middle-class families. Speaking to reporters on Saturday, he maintained the policy was “the right decision,” and an appropriate response to the ongoing impact of Covid-19 supply chain issues, persistent inflationContinue Reading

Younger Australians helped propel the Labor Party and Anthony Albanese into power at the last election, but new research shows Generation Z and Millennials have lost faith in the government. A survey conducted by youth advocacy group Think Forward found younger generations see the tax system as being “rigged” againstContinue Reading

Australia’s housing crisis, falling international competitiveness, lacklustre wages growth and the impact of climate change all risk worsening if wholesale tax changes aren’t pursued, independent MP Allegra Spender has warned. Inviting representatives from unions, environmental and social services groups and community sector organisations to the latest round of consultations forContinue Reading

An economic blueprint for Australia’s next 40 years will show the ballooning cost to sustain an ageing population and the challenges to pay for it amid sluggish growth. The latest iteration of the Intergenerational Report will be released on Thursday, painting a picture for the next four decades. It willContinue Reading

A Melbourne professor has blamed “privileged” families with holiday homes for the housing crisis, arguing that while “your beach house is lovely … it’s killing Australia”. David Hayward, Emeritus Professor of Public Policy at RMIT University, weighed in on the housing affordability debate in an opinion piece for The AgeContinue Reading