Australia’s domestic spy agency wants to give up its right to request warrants to question children as young as 14 after it reported only a handful of minors had been charged with terror offences since 9/11. ASIO told a parliamentary inquiry that the federal government should scrap laws that enableContinue Reading

Australian officials are finding it increasingly harder to figure out when a terrorist attack may occur, in what the Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil has described as a “trend”. After a 16-year-old boy allegedly stabbed a prominent Assyrian Christian bishop and priest at a southwest Sydney church on Monday night,Continue Reading

Anthony Albanese has condemned Hamas for attempting to use Australia’s support for a ceasefire in Gaza as propaganda, declaring he has nothing but “contempt” for the terrorist group. An unverified video released overnight showed a man purporting to be a senior Hamas official thanking Western nations, including Australia, for attemptingContinue Reading

ISLAMABAD: Balochistan caretaker Minister for Information, Jan Achakzai alleged Taliban of playing the double game instead of handing over the elements involved in terrorist attacks in Pakistan using Afghan soil, Pakistan-based Dawn reported.Achakzai said that the Taliban was not taking the issue seriously and was not handing over those involvedContinue Reading