Australia’s Foreign Minister Penny Wong will travel to Israel on Monday to meet with families of Israeli hostages and Palestinian victims of settler violence as war tensions continue to escalate in the Middle East. Senator Wong flew to Jordan on Monday ahead of a week-long tour of Israel, the WestContinue Reading

Anthony Albanese has condemned Hamas for attempting to use Australia’s support for a ceasefire in Gaza as propaganda, declaring he has nothing but “contempt” for the terrorist group. An unverified video released overnight showed a man purporting to be a senior Hamas official thanking Western nations, including Australia, for attemptingContinue Reading

Australia has issued a clear warning that Hamas is a declared terrorist organisation and providing support to it is a crime as the Prime Minister condemned anti-Semitic protests in Sydney. Disturbing images have emerged from pro-Palestinian rallies in Sydney, including one TikTok account showing a man “interviewing” horse excrement toContinue Reading