Law-breakers will face eye-watering penalties and regulators will get sweeping new powers in what is being called the “biggest crackdown” on tax misconduct in the nation’s history. The federal government has touted the overhaul as a response to the “severe shortcomings” in regulatory frameworks, exposed by the scandal engulfing beleagueredContinue Reading

The CEO of the Australian arm of a major multinational consultancy firm admits he’s not worth his pay packet, which is seven times that of the Prime Minister. Four executives with Deloitte Australia fronted the public hearings into consulting firms on Monday, where they were grilled over employee misconduct andContinue Reading

The CEO of the Australian arm of a major multinational consultancy firm admits he’s not worth his pay packet, which is seven times that of the Prime Minister. Four executives with Deloitte Australia fronted the public hearings into consulting firms on Monday, where they were grilled over employee misconduct andContinue Reading

The acting chief executive of beleaguered consultancy giant PwC Australia has been grilled by a NSW parliamentary committee following a tax leak involving the misuse of confidential information. PwC has been in crisis mode following revelations former taxation partner Peter Collins leaked sensitive and confidential government information to fellow partnersContinue Reading