A Melbourne-based writer is copping significant backlash after complaining that men can no longer compliment women on their appearance without being seen as creepy. According to Christopher Bantick, the fact a woman may not appreciate a complete stranger approaching them and commenting on their appearance is a travesty. In fact,Continue Reading

The business lobby has been met with fierce resistance over its attempts to “bust the big Australia myth”, amid accusations migration has aggravated the nation’s chronic housing shortage. Releasing a paper on migration reform on Thursday, the Business Council cautioned that major changes are needed to unblock the country’s immigrationContinue Reading

A British influencer savaged for admitting judging what people put in their shopping trolleys has deleted her account after copping heavy backlash. Olympia Anley, a second-year university student who gained a huge following documenting her lavish lifestyle, recently described herself as being “snobby about people’s food shopping” after spotting aContinue Reading