TAIPEI: Taiwan will kick off a two-day missile live-firing test on Monday ahead of its largest annual military exercises as the island ramps up preparations against an increasingly assertive China.The 23 million Taiwanese people live under constant threat of invasion by Beijing, which views the self-ruled democracy as part ofContinue Reading

It’s not exactly “best practice”. But the promotional banners displayed by Chinese defence contractors have a history of revealing new projects. It appears their next-generation nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is no exception. Corporate images from the state-owned Jiangnan Changxing Shipyard in Shanghai are circulating on China’s internal social media platforms. WhatContinue Reading

China launched military drills around Taiwan on Saturday, in what it called a “stern warning” to the self-ruled island’s government following a meeting between its president and the US House speaker. Dubbed “United Sharp Sword”, the three-day operation — which state media said includes rehearsing an encirclement of Taiwan —Continue Reading