We are owed an apology for Covid vaccine mandates. Mounting evidence shows the vaccines were rushed, less effective than you’d expect of a jab, and, in some cases, dangerous. The whole premise of mandates was to protect the community. But these vaccines didn’t stop contraction or transmission of Covid –Continue Reading

Covid vaccine mandates for Queensland police and ambulance workers were “unlawful”, the state’s supreme court has found, with the bombshell ruling tipped to spark a wave of similar challenges. Judge Glenn Martin on Tuesday ruled that Queensland Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll’s December 2021 order was “unlawful” under the Human RightsContinue Reading

New Zealand’s Prime Minister has pushed back on calls for compensation for people who were mandated out of their jobs or suffered a Covid vaccine injury, insisting there was “no compulsory vaccination” and that “people made their own choices”. Speaking at a press conference in Auckland on Sunday, Chris HipkinsContinue Reading

The mother of a 21-year-old Melbourne student who died of heart failure after the Moderna vaccine has told parliamentarians that she holds those pushing compulsory jabs “responsible” for her daughter’s death. Natalie Boyce died in March last year at The Alfred Hospital, five weeks after receiving a “lethal Moderna vaccineContinue Reading