A 22-year-old driver who mowed down a parking ranger after receiving a fine is “disgusted with himself” for not calling an ambulance, a court has heard. Matthew Valerio faced the NSW District Court on Thursday after pleading guilty in November last year to recklessly causing grievous bodily harm and failingContinue Reading

A best-selling author has been called out for going on a bizarre rant in Australia where fans claim he “berated” and “humiliated” women before telling the audience they were “Marxists” if they sent their children to school. Robert Kiyosaki, who wrote the personal finance book Rich Dad Poor Dad, wentContinue Reading

Amnesty International has raised alarm over the industrial mining of cobalt and copper for rechargeable batteries, detailing a string of ugly human rights offences related to the ongoing demand for electric vehicles and smartphones. In a newly released report titled Powering Change or Business as Usual?, Amnesty International and theContinue Reading