Jeff Kennett’s Photoshop claim on Daniel Andrews’ early voting pic

Former Liberal premier Jeff Kennett has accused Daniel Andrews of editing a photo he shared on social media of his family voting before the Victorian election on Saturday.

The Premier and his wife Catherine, along with their two children of voting age, Noah and Grace, were pictured smiling in front of ballot boxes.

“Like so many other Victorians, we’ve got a few things happening on Saturday so we voted early and on the way to somewhere else,” Mr Andrews tweeted.

Mr Kennett has been a vocal critic of Mr Andrews and took the opportunity to criticise him one final time before the election.

He accused the Premier of using Photoshop to edit out the exit sign behind his head.

“Look who airbrushed out the exit sign when they privately voted and then posted their voting on social media,” Mr Kennett wrote.

“Not only did he not have the courage to vote with his constituents, they falsified the picture. Says everything does it not? Certainly on the way out!”

Experts are torn on whether it was in fact a Photoshop job or the simply photographer’s flash bounced off the sign causing it to appear white.

Sky News and Nine reported that Mr Andrews’ photo was taken when he voted early on Thursday at a city pre-poll venue, and was shared to social media on Friday.

Mr Andrews’ seat is Mulgrave in Melbourne’s southeast suburbs, meaning he broke tradition by not casting his vote on election day and doing so outside his seat.

Opposition leader Matthew Guy confirmed he would be voting in his own seat of Bulleen on election day “as you would expect”.

“I have voted early before, but with a whole bunch of cameras at a press conference, not kind of secretly,” he told Today.

A couple of hours after Mr Kennett tweeted the alternate photo of Mr Andrews’ family voting, he told his followers he would not tweet about the Victorian election again and will accept the result tomorrow regardless of the outcome.

“It is the way our democratic processes work,” he wrote.

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