Qantas Melbourne Airport baggage handlers

Qantas and its baggage handling contractor have launched an “urgent investigation” after employees were filmed slamming luggage onto a conveyor belt.

The footage, understood to have been filmed at Melbourne airport, shows three baggage handlers – who have been stood down pending investigation – throwing, kicking, and slamming passengers’ luggage onto a conveyor belt.

Some bags are thrown so hard that they fall off the other side of the belt.

One man is shown laughing while another man lifts a bag above his head, hurling it down towards the belt with force.

In another instance, one of the three handlers is shown throwing a bag a considerable distance down the line, despite the belt being right in front of him.

A Qantas spokesperson said the incident was “clearly not acceptable”, confirming an “urgent” probe was underway.

“The behaviour in this video is clearly not acceptable, and our contracted ground handler is conducting an urgent investigation,” a spokesperson said.

Qantas contracts Swissport for ground handling at the Melbourne Airport.

A spokesperson for Swissport said the workers involved had been stood down while they investigate what happened.

“Swissport trains and manages all staff to handle customer possessions with care and diligence,:” they said.

“The actions of staff in the video appear to have contravened those service level standards.

“As a result, the staff in question have been stood down pending an urgent investigation.”

It comes after a turbulent year for the national air carrier, plagued by flight delays and other high-profile incidents of baggage loss and mishandling, coming under the scrutiny of an ABC Four Corners investigation earlier this year.

People on social media were appalled when responding to the confronting footage.

“It’s sad, but I honestly don’t expect better from Qantas anymore,” one said.

“Is this like a competition who can destroy luggage the fastest?” another pondered.

“You got to be kidding me! Bet they would kick a stink if someone treated their stuff this way,” added another.

Others suggested the men should be sacked for what appears to be a complete disregard for other people’s property.

When are they going to get fired?” one asked.

“Looks like they don’t want to work anymore,” another said.

“I worked the baggage, and I’ve never ever seen anything like this, if I did, I would not hesitate to get a supervisor.”

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