Bondi, Sydney: Hammerhead sharks spotted off popular beach

Two hammerhead sharks have been spotted inside shark nets at Bondi Beach, sparking debate over whether the safety measures actually work.

The two sharks were captured on video by the DroneShark app, which scours NSW beaches looking for the animals.

“Great to see they diverted the nets safely,” the group said on Instagram.

“There were no swimmers in the area as it was just before sunrise, unlike the thousands of swimmers yesterday in the #bonditobronteswim which actually turned out to be the Bondi to Bondi.”

Many who saw the video commented on whether shark nets are an “outdated” form of keeping beachgoers safe.

“Outdated, ineffective, harmful system. The nets need to come out!” one said.

“Nice to see marine life thriving in Bondi. I hope that they stay safe and away from those nets!!!” another said.

Shark nets in NSW are 150m long and six metres deep, meaning they do not close off a beach from wildlife, but provide a barrier for some portions of a beach.

They are set approximately four metres below the surface, which would allow sharks to swim over them.

Shark nets have been slammed by wildlife lovers and conservationists, with wildlife group Nets Out Now describing them as something which provides a “false sense of security” while “negatively impacting the marine Ecosystem”.

“Lethal programs designed to kill target sharks are ineffective at improving beach safety and do not have the social licence to continue, especially those that kill large amounts of bycatch of non-target species such as dolphins, whales and turtles,” the group argues

“It is our position that lethal drum lines and shark nets should be replaced with nonlethal mitigation methods as a matter of urgency.”

The NSW government plans to continue to use shark nets despite the backlash.

“The nets do not create a total barrier between swimmers and sharks. They are designed to intercept sharks near meshed beaches, which reduces the chance of a shark interaction,” SharkSmart NSW’s website reads.

“While the nets cannot provide a guarantee that a shark interaction will never happen, we believe they have been effective in greatly reducing the potential number of interactions.”

One of the sharks spotted was a regular around Sydney beaches named Homer, however, the second shark is new and could possibly be the “girlfriend” of the larger shark.

Read related topics:Sydney

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