Abdel-Aziz Hussein Ali: Man accused of ‘odd’ kidnapping of driving instructor applies for bail

Disturbing allegations against a man have been revealed during a bail application, with a court told he allegedly held a woman against her will for weeks before “kidnapping” a driving instructor.

The “odd” allegations against Abdel-Aziz Hussein Ali – including how he posed as a woman to “manipulate” a driving instructor before an abduction ordeal – were detailed on Thursday as Mr Ali applied for bail ahead of Christmas.

He has been in custody since his arrest in April.

Matt Hynes, Mr Ali’s barrister, said they accepted the seriousness of the allegations contained in a statement from the female complainant.

Mr Hynes submitted conditions could mitigate any risk his client might pose on bail.

According to the woman’s statement, she was held against her will in a house for about two weeks by Mr Ali and violence was “inflicted upon her”, the court was told.

“An ambulance was turned away at some point in time,” Mr Hynes said.

Mr Hynes said the woman’s statement claimed she broke free after Mr Ali allegedly went to get more drugs.

In his summary, Supreme Court Justice David Boddice said it was alleged the driving instructor attended the house after Mr Ali “was able to manipulate” the time and place of a planned driving lesson.

He is alleged to have “kidnapped” the instructor and in a bid to recapture the woman.

“This was all part and parcel of the applicant being able to have the opportunity to kidnap and detain (the woman) against her will,” Justice Boddice said.

“The offences are serious and occurred in what could be said to be very disturbing circumstances.

“He is alleged to have engaged in a sophisticated, planned arrangement.”

Mr Ali is facing multiple charges, including kidnapping, attempted kidnapping, extortion, unlawful stalking and deprivation of liberty.

The court was told the offending was “odd” but negotiations with the prosecution could take place on what charges would ultimately proceed.

Mr Hynes said his client would live with and care for his mother, who is in her 60s, while wearing a GPS monitor.

Mr Ali was also willing to offer a $15,000 surety for his release, he said.

But Justice Boddice refused bail, saying Mr Ali had previous convictions for failing to appear in accordance with prior bail undertakings.

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