Real-life Rapunzel: ‘Men lust over my long and luscious locks’

A real-life Rapunzel has revealed how men lust over her long and luscious locks — with some even proposing to the blond bombshell because they’re so mesmerised by her mane.

Olga Naumova, who hails from Moscow, Russia, said she had thin hair as a child, and her parents covered it with a babushka headscarf until her locks began to grow more densely.

The model — whose mane measures more than 1.5m long — says her hair has now become her defining feature, and she’s overwhelmed with attention.

“I didn’t realise how long my hair was until people started complimenting me,” Naumova told Media Drum. “People began complimenting me everywhere. On streets and in public places. Some people even asked to touch my hair or take a picture of me.”

The Russian remembers two incidents in particular that highlighted how her hair had left onlookers ogling in admiration.

“This one time when I was in Thailand, I was walking with my hair down,” the beauty recalled. “That is actually very unusual because I don’t go with my hair down as I find it very inconvenient. Suddenly, a group of 10 people who I had just passed started clapping loudly.”

She continued, “I turned around only to see that they were clapping for me, giving me thumbs up and shouting ‘Great hair!’”

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The second instance came when Naumova and her boyfriend were on vacation in the Maldives.

“I noticed a German man staring intently at me,” the stunner claimed. “I checked my face to see if something was wrong with it, but couldn’t find anything. It was only the next day when that man approached me and my boyfriend at breakfast that I found out the reason for his staring.”

“He asked my boyfriend for his permission to take a picture with me,” she stated. “I was so shocked and couldn’t believe my ears.”

The attention is even more intense online, with Naumova racking up a legion of male fans.

“They call me ‘amazing,’ ‘marvellous,’ ‘fabulous,’ ‘a beauty,’ ‘gorgeous,’ unique’ and a ‘Rapunzel’,” the model declared. “Some men comment that they would like to marry me or elope with me.”

Meanwhile, she’s bombarded by questions about her locks, with some asking for her hottest hair-care secrets.

But the beauty insists she doesn’t do anything extraordinary to maintain her mane, saying, “I use different kinds of masks and, in addition to shampoo, I definitely use conditioner, otherwise I won’t be able to comb my hair”.

“I can’t say that I take special care of it,” she additionally cooed. “My hair is nature’s gift to me.”

This article was originally published by the New York Post and reproduced with permission

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