Tourist slammed for reserving sunloungers at hotel in Spain

A holiday-maker has slammed sunlounger hogs after they blocked the poolside seats for more than an hour without using them.

The battle for the perfect spot to relax by the pool is a well-documented struggle, with hotel guests getting up early in the morning to put their towel down and reserve their spot, The Sun reports.

However, that often annoys other tourists, especially those who want to use the sunloungers in the meantime.

At a hotel in Mallorca, Spain, guest Becky Wells vented over the “selfish” people who had reserved the seats for more than an hour, but weren’t actually sitting in them.

In a video on TikTok, she showed the rows of empty seats that were covered with towels, but not occupied by hotel guests.

She said: “One hour in and saved sunbeds are still not being used.

“I still don’t understand why people are so selfish.”

The video has been viewed more than 600,000 times, with lots of commenters suggesting the same solution to the problem.

“No such thing as saving, I’m moving your stuff,” one person wrote.

Another said: “Just move the towel and put it on top of another. No one will know it was you.”

A third added: “I’ll just lie on the towel.”

Meanwhile an etiquette expert has revealed the amount of time it is socially acceptable to “reserve” a poolside spot for.

Leading UK etiquette coach William Hanson told the Mirror: “Reserving sunloungers with a towel for longer than 30 minutes is a big no-no. Beyond that grace period, it’s first come first served.”

However, there are some caveats to that 30-minute grace period.

For instance, if someone is actually using the pool, then the lounger is still theirs to use.

One holiday-maker recently tried to shame sunlounger hoggers by filming them laying out towels at a hotel first thing in the morning.

The footage showed how almost every bed in the resort had been covered with a towel, as eager bathers marked their territory before the pool became too busy.

The video, shared on TikTok by user Daxi sparked debate about which nations are the worst offenders when it comes to sunlounger hogging.

A German commenter wrote: “I’m German and live in the UK. On my last holiday to Greece it was the English that had the towels out before 6am.”

Meanwhile, someone else said it was French holiday-makers who were the biggest hoggers, writing: “The French were up at 5am on my holiday – I couldn’t believe my eyes.”

However, the problem seems to extend beyond Europe, with hotel guests in Australia recently caught getting up before 6am to reserve their beds.

Staff at some resorts will remove towels from sunloungers if they have been left unattended for too long.

This story originally appeared on The Sun and is republished here with permission

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