Australia’s domestic spy agency wants to give up its right to request warrants to question children as young as 14 after it reported only a handful of minors had been charged with terror offences since 9/11. ASIO told a parliamentary inquiry that the federal government should scrap laws that enableContinue Reading

The government will introduce new laws to revoke the Australian citizenship of dual citizens convicted of committing terrorism offences. Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil will put forward the new legislation next week that will enable the High Court to strip dual nationals of their citizenship on terror-related grounds. It comesContinue Reading

A motorbike and truck convoy, making its way through Sydney’s east, has copped criticism from both pro-Israel and pro-Palestine supporters, and branded “psychological warfare.” About a dozen riders from Al Quds community centre in Regents Park, their bikes adorned with Palestine flags, made their journey from Lidcombe to Coogee onContinue Reading