Charlie Teo: Dominic Perrottet donates money to controversial brain surgeons charity

NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet shocked attendees at a private fundraising event for controversial brain surgeon Charlie Teo’s charity.

The event was hosted by 2GB Breakfast host Ben Fordham and was attended by the families of Mr Teo’s former patients as well as regular contributors to the charity.

Speaking on his radio show on Thursday, Mr Fordham revealed that the Premier made a donation of $25,000 to the Charlie Teo Foundation.

“It was donated by Mr Perrottet on behalf of the people of NSW,” Mr Fordham told his listeners.

“I’m sure that will have Charlie’s critics in a spin.”

The Charlie Teo Foundation spokesman confirmed NCA Newswire the money had been donated on behalf of the state government.

He said while the Premier was not physically at the event, the $25,000 was announced to attendees by Mr Fordham, who was MC for the evening. Wednesday night’s event raised “quite a lot” of money, Mr Southam said, which would go towards brain cancer research.

Mr Teo rose to fame in 2019 when he helped Perth girl Amelia “Milli” Lucas, live years longer than expected by doing multiple high-stakes brain surgeries.

His career has seen been marred in controversy, with the Medical Council of NSW imposing conditions in August 2021 on Mr Teo’s ability to operate in Australia.

It comes after concerns his practice posed a risk to the public.

As part of the conditions, Mr Teo is required to gain written approval from an approved neurosurgeon before performing certain operations.

Families have been paying tens of thousands of dollars to fly to Spain where the controversial brain surgeon has been operating since the restrictions were introduced.

NCA Newswire has contacted the Premier’s office for comment.

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